b'TRACE MINERAL SELENIUMIMPROVES CURE RATEFOR COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS INFECTION UP TO 500%BY BILL SARDI D ating back over two decades priortopublishedstudies that show that an essential trace mineral decreases the virulence of, and inhibits mutations in, viral infections, researchers in the UK, U.S., and China collaboratively report in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that selenium improves the cure rate for COVID-19 coronavirus sufferers.The curative effect of selenium is ev-ident in areas of China that have high- seleniumsoillevels.Theresearchers report only a 13.2% cure rate in Wu-han,China,theepicenterofthecur-rent COVID-19 pandemic, compared to a 40.6% cure rate for all other provinces combined. Cured patients are defined as those whose body temperature re-turned to normal.Thefactthatotherprovincesin Chinadonotreporthighdeathrates fromCOVID-19infectionshasledto the claim that China is hiding its death figures. But now there is potentially a more straightforward explanationse-lenium.Bycontrast,inHeilongjiangProv-ince, where selenium intake is among the lowest in the World, the death rate from COVID-19 was almost five times as high as the average of all the other provincesoutsideofHubei.Another city in China, Enshiknown for having high-selenium soil and intake levelshas a 36.4% cure rate compared to 13.2% for all other cities in China, report the same investigators.26 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'