b'FCC, a Misplaced Trust 95 megahertz emitted by the U.S. Mil- streets when the COVID-19 virus was TheEnvironmentalProtectionitarys Active Denial System (ADS) forannounced as a new deadly virus.Agency(EPA),theWHO,andeverycrowd control by immediately heating wireless cellphone manufacturer labelup the body of an enemy. 5Gs Connection to the electromagnetic field/radio frequency5G thermal effects produce changesCOVID-19 Infection(EMF/RF) radiation as a pollutant. in the eyes. Studies show disturbancesThe COVID-19 virus is a novel coro-The FCC works with the Institutein the eyes of chicken embryos; further,navirus,literallymeaningglowing of Electrical and Electronics Engineersit stresses the hearts of rats and frogsring, and it is also the name assigned (IEEE)totestforsafetyofcellularand changes their heart rates. It alsoto the field emanating from high-volt-productsandantennas.Theymain- negatively affects the immune systemageelectricity.Electriciansdirectly tain that exposure levels are safe andof mice. exposedtocoronashaveincreased unchanged, even after twenty years of5Gcausesthermalheatingofthemortality rates from brain cancer, Hod-dramatically increased exposure. body and the receptor skin cells, whichgkins disease, acute leukemia, pulmo-Over 17,000 biological studies rec- all have miniature receptors that act asnaryemphysema,fallsfromladders, ognizethatEMF/RFradiationexpo- antennas and communicate to the restand electrocutions. sureproducesleukemia,cancer,oxi- of the body. The skin is the largest or- Toidentifythepresenceofthe dativedamage,DNAdamage,majorgan of our body.COVID-19virus,doctorsandnurses cellular leakage resulting in a cascadeRecognizingthesedangerousef- rely upon the Polymerase Chain Reac-of harms, and many major mental andfects, the California State governmenttion (PCR) test, a research tool created suicidalproblems.Yet,theFCCwillenacted legislation to protect firemenby Nobel laureate Dr. Kary Mullis, to notreduceexposurelevelsthatarefrom exposure to 5G at their fire sta- magnifyDNAstrandshundredsof thousands of times higher than thosetions.Californiadidnotwanttheirthousandsoftimestobestudiedin in any other country in the World ex- firemens health to be harmed. detail. The virus, however, has not yet cept England and Canada. On November 5, 2018, it was report- been purified, to truly test for its pres-ed by sott.net that hundreds of birdsence.The Dangers of 5G died during a 5G cell-phone tower ex- Using PCR as a test does not pro-5G is a hundred times more power- periment in The Hague, Netherlands. duce purely a positive/negative result. ful than 4G. 5G pulsations of electro- In Vienna, Austria, Claire EdwardsInsteaditproducesanumberofcy-magnetic radiation are highly absorbedwrote, I live in Vienna, Austria, wherecles required to detect genetic materi-by the skin, linking it directly to skinthe5Grolloutissuddenlyuponus.al. The division line between positive diseases and skin cancer. IndependentWithin the last five weeks, pre-5G hasand negative is chosen by the testers testingonanimalsfindschangesinbeenofficiallyannouncedatViennaand is therefore completely arbitrary. If such properties as activity, cell growth,airport and 5G at the Rathausplatz. positive means infected and negative resistancetoantibiotics,andchangesfriendsandacquaintancesandtheirmeans uninfected, then there are cases to biologically active chemicals. children in Vienna are already report- of people going from infected to unin-Heating of tissue is the major testing the classic symptoms of EMR poi- fected, and back to infected again, in a validating safety by the FCC and thesoning:nosebleeds,headaches,eyecouple of days.IEEE.Unfortunately,however,thepains,chestpains,nausea,fatigue,DavidCrowereportedinGreen-wirelessindustryhasconvincedthevomiting,tinnitus,dizziness,flu-likeMedInfo.com that, If the virus exists, WHO to accept new standards by thesymptoms, and cardiac pain. They alsothenitshouldbepossibletopurify International Commission on Non-Ion- report having the sensation of a tightviral particles. . Without purification izingRadiationProtection(ICNIRP),band around the head; pressure on theand characterization of virus particles, which raised the safe limits of ther- top of the head; short, stabbing painsit cannot be accepted that an RNA test mal heating of the body from 1 degreearound the body; and buzzing internalis proof that a virus is present.centigrade up to 5 degrees centigrade. organs. The COVID-19 virus appears to be New 5G cell phones will not be test- Wuhan, China is a known 5G testverydifferentinitssymptomsthan ed for thermal heating of tissue becausesmartcitythatimplemented5Gprevious cold and flu viruses. Only a they are already well known to exceedtechnologylastyearwithprojectedminority, often less than 5% tested, will by far the present allowable levels. 5Gdeployment of a total of 10,000 anten- be positive. If this disease is easily rec-is allowable at 26 megahertz up to 90nas by the end of 2019. It was reportedognized,thenthemajorityofpeople megahertz, which is very close to thethat people suddenly just died on thetested should be positive.16 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'