b'Smart-Phone Contact Tracing Lawsuit Filed againstOn April 10, 2020, Apple and Google announced plans to buildDr. Fauci and WHOCOVID-19 tracing applications into the iPhone and Android oper- InearlyMay2020,Judicial ating systemsa major partnership between the top two mobileWatch announced that it had filed operating system competitors in their effort to supposedly helpaFreedomofInformationAct limit the spread of COVID-19. Forty days later, on May 20th, the(FOIA)lawsuitonbehalfofthe companies released the applications. DailyCallerNewsFoundation Each public-health authority in every country or region must(DCNF) against the U.S. Depart-first agree to adopt Apples and Googles Exposure NotificationmentofHealth&HumanSer-API. Next, the health authority must create an iOS and Androidvices (HHS) for communications app for their region dedicated to supporting Exposure Notifica- and other records of the National Institute of Allergy and tion. In the U.S., rather than creating a single contact-tracing app,Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci and the decision to support Exposure Notification is made by eachDeputy Director H. Clifford Lane, M.D. with and about the Statespublic-healthauthority.Alabama,SouthCarolina,andWorld Health Organization (WHO) concerning COVID-19.North Dakota are among the first U.S. States to express interest inThe time frame covered by the FOIA request is January Apples and Googles Exposure Notification API. The following1, 2020, to April 1, 2020. Additionally, the DCNF requested information is based on inquiries sent to State governors officesand was granted expedited processing of its request. It is and State health departments on May 20, 2020, following the pub- urgent that the NIH follow transparency law during the lic release of iOS and Android updates to support the Exposurecoronavirus crisis, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fit-Notification API.ton. It is of significant public interest to learn what WHO Sources: CDC on COVID-19 Apple on COVID-19 was telling our top medical officials about the coronavirus that originated in China.Daily Caller News Foundation Co-Founder and Pres-ident Neil Patel said: This virus has killed hundreds of thousands of people and turned the whole world upside down. We know that China and WHO could have done a lot more to prevent or reduce this catastrophe. We there-fore have a legitimate and urgent news purpose for seek-ingthesedocumentsregardingU.S.officialscommu-nications with WHO and demand that the agencies in question stop stalling and start following the law that entitles us to this vital information. Sources: https://www.worldtribune.com/judicial-watch-files-lawsuit-for-dr-fauci-and-who-records/Please NoteTheNHFactively supportshealthfree-dom.Asevenmore monstrousviolations ofourcivilandhealth freedomlibertiescon-tinuetounfold,more andmoreindividualswillawakentothetrue threats that exist. The NHF is committed to fol-lowing and lobbying on a full range of Congres-sional laws and Federal regulatory agency issues impacting health freedom, both domestically and internationally,toprotectourhealthfreedoms throughout the World.H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 13'