b'ManyepidemiologistscharacterizeCOVID-19 lung disease, as far as I canple, increasing the permeability of the the COVID-19 virus as a relatively weaksee, is not a pneumonia and should nothemoglobinmoleculewillfillupthe virus. Most deaths are not directly duebetreatedasone.Rather,itappearshemoglobin molecule with the wrong to the virus but initially to hypoxia, anas if [it is] some kind of viral-inducedsubstances so that there is no room for absence of oxygen. This then manifestsdisease most resembling high-altitudeoxygen.If the ability of blood to car-itself as damage to the lungs, which fillsickness. Its as if tens of thousands ofry oxygen is shut off, it wont matter with fluids and initiate bacterial infec- my fellow New Yorkers are on a planehow healthy our lungs are.tionandsevereillnessordeath.Hy- at 30,000 feet as the cabin pressure isThe coronavirus is not a hoax, but poxia can be due to damage of the redslowly being let out. These patients aredanger of widespread deployment of blood cells directly from radiation, orslowly being starved of oxygen. 5G antennas is not a hoax either! Just as cyanide, or some other pollutant. The important thing to understandthe Romans built their aqueducts out Dr. Magda Havas, Ph.D., has con- isthatanyalterationofthedelicateofleadliningsandtherebypoisoned ducted a statistical study that reports,structure of hemoglobin in our bloodtheir own citizens, driving them insane Theaverage(mean)numberofwill impair its ability to bind with ei- with lead poisoning, the modern world COVID-19 tests per 1 million people isther oxygen or carbon monoxide. ofBigTechandtelecommunications similar for the have (with 5G) and have5G technology will be broadcast at(which controls all the narratives, and not(without5G)States.COVID-1960 GHz, which is the absorption spec- censors all who question 5G) is mass cases per million are 95% higher andtrum of oxygen molecules. At the mo- poisoning humanity with electropollu-covid-19 deaths per million are 126%lecularlevel,thesefrequenciesaffecttion.higherinStateswith5G.Whetherthe orbit of electrons, and that affects these results are due to some factor oth- the ability of blood hemoglobin to bindInundation, Saturation,er than 5G and whether this associationwith oxygen. If blood cannot hold oxy- Finalizationwill persist as time goes on remains togen, the physiological result is death by5G is going to be everywhere with be seen. suffocation, hypoxia. 35,000 or more satellites encircling the NYU-ICUemergencyphysician,NHFViceChairmanBradfordS.Earth, emitting 5 million watts per sat-CameronKyle-Sidell,M.D.,stated,Weeks, M.D., states, 5G radiation al- ellite along with 5G drones the size of ters the porosity of cellfootball fields flying and hovering over membranes,allowingtheoceans,alongwithhundredsof some ionic molecules tothousands of new surface satellites po-move more easily acrosssitioned 200 to 400 feet apart, all emit-COVID-19 cases per thosemembranes,dis- ting focused 5G millimeter waves. The million are 95% higherplacing other moleculesantennaswillbelocatedeverywhere, and COVID-19 deaths per million are 126%ofsolublegassessuchin almost everything, and are estimat-higher in states with 5G. ascarbondioxidethated at over 6 trillion antennas when in-mightnormallymakecluding the Internet of Things.that leap. It is well doc- Already, there is an overwhelming umentedthat5Gradi- amount of research to support the de-ationcausesVoltageactivationofall5Gcellularantennas GatedIonChannelsand a moratorium placed by all gov-(VGIC),specificallyernments on any further installations.with calcium ions, caus- Please go to www.thenhf.com web-ing cellular toxicity duesite and click on Campaigns. There to too much calcium en- you will find the 5G campaign, which tering the cell walls andwill lead you to a letter that you can poisoning the cells. easily and quickly send to your Repre-Moreimportant- sentative and Senators. Then share this ly,Dr.Weekscontin- campaignwithyouremailcontacts ues, any change in theand on your social media. It is indeed structureofhemoglo- urgent, and the more people who do bin will cause it to stopthis, the greater the impact to prevent functioning. For exam- a global catastrophe. H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 17'