b'France from the UK to get away fromextraditedonMonday,June15thatJuly 8, 2020, Lyn Thyer and her attor-the non-stop, oppressive UK persecu- 17:35 on an Air France flight to Parisney appeared before the Paris Tribu-tion. So, a completely fabricated Euro- despite the valiant efforts of many tonal in an attempt to get Lyn released pean Arrest Warrant (EAW) was con- put a stop to this kidnapping. He waspending trial. Unfortunately, despite cocted by the French and extraditionaccompanied on the flight by UK au- MatreArnouxsstrongarguments proceedingswereinitiatedagainstthorities who then handed him over toin favor of her release, the Judge still both David Noakes and Lynda Thyer. the French at the Paris airport. found Lyn to be a flight risk due to her earlier March 18th effort to leave Paris. The Road to Paris andMost Recent NewsWe also found out that Judge Gadaud PerditionThe French criminal-law attorney,intends to bring this matter to trial be-Dr. Thyer was the first to go, afterwhom the NHF had retained back infore the end of 2020.having lost her court cases to stay inDecember 2019 for just this unfortu-Britain where she had never even beennate eventuality, was ready to inter- The Real Criminalscharged with any offenses. Scooped upcede on David Noakes behalf as soonTherealcriminalsherearethose and shipped off to France in July 2019,as he arrived in France. The morningwhoconstructlegalandregulatory LyndaThyerisstillinprisonthereafterNoakeslate-dayarrival,ourbarriers to protect their financial in-nearly a year later. NHF had twice ob- FrenchattorneymetwithDavidatterestsattheexpenseofallothers. tained her release from the notoriouslength at the Parisian tribunal beforeIn the decades-long, worldwide war Fleury-Mrogis Prison in the southernhe appeared in court along with hisagainst cancer that no one even talks suburbs of Paris, but the first release incounsel. There, he was indicted (as ex- aboutanymore,theindustryand December 2019 did not stick becausepected) and then given an opportuni- itsregulatorylapdogsconveniently the European Court of Justice issuedty to make a statement. Upon advicehide behind laws enacted to prevent adecisiononEAWsthattheFrenchof his counsel, David Noakes made nocompetition, such as the Cancer Act Court of Appeals then used to over- statement and then the Court sent himof 1939 in the UK, which outlaws ad-rule the decent French judge who hadoff to Fleury-Mrogis Prison.vertisinganytreatmentsotherthan just released Dr. Thyer. Her second re- On Thursday, June 18, 2020, I metchemotherapy,surgery,and,later, lease on March 18, 2020, also obtainedwithDavidNoakesattorneyinhisradiation.Regulationis,asoneJP by NHF, was short-lived when she wasParisoffices,butwasunabletoseeMorganChasechairmanadmitted, caught attempting to board a EurostarLyndaThyersattorney,ChloAr- amoatprotectinghisbankfrom train headed for London at the Garenoux, because she was involved in acompetitionbysmallerbanks.The duNordtrainstationinParis.Nowweek-long criminal trial. On Saturday,same despicable practices are used by labelledaflightrisk,theFrenchJune 20th, Mr. Noakes and his attor- the medical industry.authorities put her right back in pris- ney met again, this time at the pris- Just look at Lyns and Davids cas-on since they did not want to take aon. Obviously, no one can be well ines. Jean-Luc Gadaud is the investiga-chance with her leaving France. prison,butDavidsattorneysharedtive judge in their cases and has dealt Meanwhile,DavidNoakesownwithmethatdespitethestressfulwith them harshly and with indignant, vigorouslyfoughtextraditionbat- conditions there for him, David wasevenself-righteous,anger.However, tles in the UK court system draggedholding up as well as can be expect- withinthesametimeframe,Judge onuntilDecember2019,whentheed. Unfortunately, the Court sent Da- GadaudwasalsonamedinOctober Court ruled against him and orderedvid Noakes to Fleury-Mrogis Prison2018astheinvestigativejudgeona his extradition to France. Thoroughly(the mens section) instead of the pre- caseinwhichagiantFrenchdairy frustrated, Noakes, who had been re- ferred Prison de la Sant in the 14thcompany called Lactalis was accused ligiously reporting in every week toArrondissementofParis.Thelatterofpoisoningthousandsofpeople his local police station in accordanceprison has been refurbished, is easierwithSalmonellacontaminationin83 with the terms of his release, stoppedto visit, and would have been health- countries. Strangely enough, after 14 dropping in and largely disappeared.ier for David Noakes. However, thatmonthsofinvestigation,anddespite Thatwas,untilMay21,2020,whenprison is evidently reserved for pris- Lactalis belated admission of wrong-theBorderPolicefinallytookhimoners with Parisian addresses.doingincludinganine-monthdelay into custody at Falmouth in Cornwall.Lyn Thyer, who is ill, is still beingininformingtheFrenchauthorities Imprisoned at Exeter Prison for near- held in the smaller womens section ofand a subsequent massive recall of 12 ly a month, David Noakes was thenthe same Fleury-Mrogis Prison. Onmillion boxes of powdered baby milk 6 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'