b'CVID19 -The COVID-19 virus is a novel coronavirus, literally & meaning glowing ring, and it is also the nameassigned to the field emanating from high-voltage electricity.Electricians directly exposed to coronas have increased mortality rates from brain cancer, Hodgkins disease, acute leukemia, pulmonaryemphysema, falls from ladders, and electrocutions. BY MICHAEL LEVESQUE interviews, and speculations. Criticalemerge in the future.T NHF Board Member misin- thinking allows input from other nar- WenowrecognizeEMRasthe ratives and is much healthier in orderforcethatignitestheUniverseand he World Health Organiza- to analyze, criticize, discuss, and eval- holds it together. It is still difficult for tion (WHO) has made up auate such information as well as pro- our minds to comprehend the very ex-new word, infodemic, totect freedom of speech and the pressistenceofelectromagneticradiation, describe what it calls mis- or media.oftensayingthatthisisbecausewe informationanditsproliferationNarratives are based upon percep- just cant see it. In fact, we can read in the media. What makestion. The greatest of minds suffer fromthis page, see these words and colors formation dangerous, according toour inherent weaknesses of perception.because electromagnetic waves with-the WHO, is that some people be- While perception is our reality, often itin a certain frequency are reflected to lieve it and do not follow the nar- requires a reality check to come clos- us from objects and translated by the rative implanted by the mass mediaer to whats really in existence. rods and cones within our eyes into vi-reporting from their authoritativesion. Our bodies utilize EMR for sight. sources.Thisresult,WHOsays,isEMRPresence and Some creatures see beyond our wave-endangeringpersonalhealthandApplications lengthssuchasbumblebees,which that of others, and must be eliminat- Electromagneticradiation(EMR)canseeultravioletlight,orsnakes, ed from the media. was first theorized in the early 1860swhich can see infrared wavelengths.byJamesClerkMaxwell,whoalsoEMRwavelengthsvarydramati-Reality Check calculated the speed of light. His the- cally in size. Radio waves are the lon-COVID-19 is being treated as a warory was that EMR consisted of fluctu- gestsome as long as a football field. against an invisible enemy, a deadlyating waves of electric and magneticAt the opposite end of the spectrum, virus, and we are told therefore thatfieldsperpendiculartoeachother.gamma waves are so short that they allmustunitebehindasinglenar- Later,in1887,thiswasverifiedbyare the size of the nucleus of an atom. rative. To be a good and empatheticHeinrich Hertz. Once theorized, theo- As the wavelengths become shorter, citizen, then, one must adhere to therists still had no idea that EMR couldthe pulsations become more frequent WHOsnarrativeandgovernmenthave practical application. andtheenergyincreases.Gamma mandates. Thisopenedthedoortootherswavespulsatesorapidlythatthe However,alternativenarrativeswho invented the radio, radar, televi- force can kill living cells and destroy are present that provide informationsion, microwave oven, wireless trans- matter. The atomic bomb is an exam-from different observations, scientif- mission, the Internet of Things (IoT),ple, with its burst producing gamma ic studies, historical evidence, doctorand who can imagine what else mightwaves.14 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'