b'analysis, Everything can be taken fromus the intimacy and connection we de- the common sentiment, Insanity is do-a man but one thing: the last of humansire in our search for true meaning anding the same thing over and over again, freedomsthe ability to choose ones at- profound transformation. but expecting different results. Thus, titude in any given set of circumstances,afullyintegratedapproachtotaking to choose ones own way. These wiseThe Peace of Wild Things our triune health in our own hands and words refer solely to mental strength B yW EndEllB Erry allowingourCreatortomanagethe and sheer will.Mans true search forWhen despair grows in me seemingly unsolvable problems weigh-meaning must originate outside spaceand I wake in the night at the least sound ing us down is wise. We have nothing and time, outside of Creation, discover- in fear of what my life and my childrensto lose and everything to gain; peace ing its foundation in the Creator for anylives may be, and hope being the least of the bounty.real lasting peace or trust. If we choose to focus 100% on what RumiwroteofridinghiscamelI go and lie down where the wood drake we can control (and remember, we can through the scorching heat of the desertrests in his beauty on the water, and controlthroughprayermosteffective-yet all the while residing in a soul-heart- the great heron feeds. ly) and 0% on what we cannot, we can and-spiritgardenofhisownmaking.I come into the peace of wild things achieve our destinys calling and fulfil This is also experienced as the ultimatewho do not tax their lives with forethought our mission regardless of the fear and reality of being seated in the heaven- chaos swirling around us. We can con-lies,aplaceoftruepower,immuneof grief. I come into the presence of stilltrol whether we nurture our Spirit, our to variable circumstances. Within thiswater. mind, and our body. We can control our sacred space we can address our LifesAnd I feel above me the day-blind stars decision to turn over the care and trust question,findtheanswers,andreapwaiting for their light. For a time our lives to our Creator to handle all of peace, meaning, and fulfilment duringI rest in the grace of the world, and am free. the things that concern us and our loved these dark days in Earths history. Weones. We can learn to pray effectively. can have faith, hope, and lovingly re- We can experience the oneness with our build our lives and the World into itsAs beautiful as Wendells poem is,Creatorthatreligionandchurchwill next 2.0 iteration. We can be conquerorswe must reach deeper to find and re- never give us. We can live and have our living with a noble destiny of leaving amain in balance as the World wobblesinner being at peace and with profound powerful, lasting legacy. on its axis, for the stakes are danger- power despite COVID-19 and the global Whenlifeisunpredictablyexplod- ously high. Each of us needs not onlydisintegration.ingallaroundus,withthefamiliarphysicalstaminabutspiritualandFromthispositionofstrength,re-givingwaytoperpetualuncertainly,mental reserves to stand firm and thengardlessofwhatishappeninginthe we need complete surrender evidencedhelp others. We need to knowwill itwarzonethathasbecomeourWorld, by a profound transformational trust inall have been worth it in five years? Willwecangofromstrengthtostrength our Creator emanating from the heart toit have been worth it at the end of ourand accomplish what we were put here create peace that truly surpasses all un- life? Will we experience a conqueringto do at this time in Earths history. Our derstanding. The foundation lies in theand overflowing Spirit now or be mis- livescanbedeeplymeaningful,they simple question, Whom do you trust?erable during this massive global shiftcan be full of peace and operate from We need not only strong physical im- of reality with its multipronged attacksastrong,powerfulcalm.Allwillbe munity but also a spiritual immunityaimingtoleaveusbarelyhobblingwell. It is humbling to know that we that allows our peace, our purpose, ouralong? are called to surmount all of the chal-focus, and drive to remain unmoved de- We will succeed by working fromlenges and obstacles before us now. It spite the assaults advancing all arounddeep within our Spirit to manage themay get worse before it gets better. But us. This is the place of our real power. seenandunseenWorldwithtrust- all will be well if we remember who we WendellBerrysoughttheanswering faith and intelligent and effectiveare in all our magnificent fullness: Spir-outsidehimselfinhisbeautifulbutprayer. President Trump made calls forit-body-mind, nurturing each part and ultimatelyspirituallybereftpoem,National prayer day on several differenttrusting God, firmly settling the great-The Peace of Wild Things. Nature canoccasions,butthesewerelargelymetest question we will ever face.soothe but it can neither save nor giveon social media either with derision or 2020 Katherine A. Carrollany lasting peace. Despite the serenityapathya clear loss of intelligence andThe Editors of Encyclopaedical Britannica, Philos-and haunting beauty of Nature, it is notcommon sense proven by history, andophy and Religion, Pascals Wager, at https://the answer but merely a setting to allowspiritual mooring. Einstein would echowww.britannica.com/topic/Pascals-wagerH ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 31'