b'P resideNtsN oteDavid Noakes and Lynda ThyerGcMAF Heroes Status UpdateBY SCOTT C. TIPS, NHF PRESIDENT D avidNoakesbusinessman,Noakes clinics in the UK for liver and philanthropist,pioneer,andpancreatic cancer survived. Both can-NHFChairmanonceagaincers are typically a death sentence for languishesbehindbars,thisanyone diagnosed with either of them timeinaFrenchprison.Hiscrime?Heand the survival rate is invariably not cured people of cancer and other diseas- more than one year from the time of es. Did he make money from it? Yes. Diddiagnosis. Indeed, Maureen Kennedy he also donate an unheard-of 25% of hisSalaman,theNHFpresidentbefore GcMAF product to those who could notme, unfortunately died of pancreatic afford it? Yes again. Most importantly, didcancer in August 2006, before GcMAF he make a real cancer-solution available tocameontothemarket.However,by thousands of people who previously hadthe Fall of 2008, NHF policy advisor had no hope of living? Absolutely. Curi- and researcher Bill Sardi had written ously, though, did he ever do any of thishis first article about GcMAF, which in France? No.appeared in Health Freedom News.Remember,though,thatnoneofWehavealreadyhad33persecu-GcMAF, the Cancer CuretheclinicsusingNoakesexception- tions,includingallofourbankac-GcMAF is not a synthetic pharma- allypureGcMAFwerelocatedincountsshutfornearlyfiveyears,14 ceutical drug with all of the attendantFrance.Hedidnotdoanybusinessraids by over 100 officers, were forced risksknownandunknownthatin France. Others might have, but notto watch 200 people recovering from anewlycreatedchemicaldrugmayDavidNoakesnorLyndaThyer.So,Stage-4cancerthendieofitwhen have. GcMAF is a natural protein thatthere is no lawful basis for chargingtheMHRAbannedGcMAF,perjury is produced inside billions of healthyand imprisoning either one in France. bytheMHRA,then15courtcases, bodies. There are zero fears as to itsand four prison sentences with more safety.SinceGcMAFexistsinlessNo Good Deed Left to come. All to protect the multi-bil-than a billionth of a gram, even if itUnpunishedlion-dollar super profits of the poison hadbeenlikearsenicitwouldstillFor having saved the lives of manyof chemotherapy.have been quite safe. And if its incred- thousandsofpatientswithouthav- But that was not enough for these ible safety were not enough, GcMAFing held the exactly proper pieces ofspiteful men and women out to utterly injections are administered at a merepaperinhand,theGlaxoSmithKlinecrushthecompetition;theynotified fractionofthecostofthestandardbranchofficeinLondon,EnglandtheirFrenchcounterpart,OCLAESP, toxicchemotherapytreatment,haveeuphemisticallyknownastheMed- with tall tales about how Noakes and no side effects, and are far more likelyicinesandHealthcareproductsReg- hiscolleagueDr.LyndaThyerhad to result in a successful outcome (1.5- ulatoryAgency(MHRA)destroyedbeen operating a gangster GcMAF 2.5%successrateforchemotherapy;Noakes business, seized personal as- operation, taking advantage of poor, 75%-100% success rate for GcMAF de- sets, froze his bank accounts,and hadhelplesscancervictimsinFrance pending upon the type of cancer). him thrown in prison for five months. whenalltheyhadbeendoingwas Infact,100%ofthosetreatedinAsDavidNoakeshimselfputit,toperiodicallytraveltoCherbourg, H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 5'