b'cases been violated and their fundamentalSo, why is mandatory vaccination theand the reasons why a safe coronavirus freedoms, including the exercise of freedomonlysolutionourtechnocraticover- vaccine is not possible.ofworship,expressionandmovement,lord is offering? The answer is simpleWhen asked if there were a need have been disproportionately and unjusti-Follow the Money! for mandatory vaccination, Dr. Cahill fiably restricted. Public health must not,It comes down to patents on a dodgystatedthattherewasnoneedfora and cannot, become an alibi for infringingvaccine that needs no testing becausevaccine because the virus had already on the rights of millions of people aroundall liability was removed by Congresscirculated the Planet, herd immunity the world, let alone for depriving the civiland President Reagan in 1986, leadinghas already happened in most popula-authority of its duty to act wisely for theto the present-day, vaccine-only solu- tions, and certainly would have were commongood.Thisisparticularlytruetion that will make Gates and his cro- itnotforthelockdown.Onceyou asgrowingdoubtsemergefromseveralnies trillions while stripping us of anyhave recovered from this virus you quarters about the actual contagiousness,freedom of choice or travel without aare immune for life, said Dr. Cahill. danger and resistance of the virus. Manyvaccine ID card or a chip. It is evidentSince there is no money for Big Phar-authoritative voices in the world of sciencefrom Gates patents that this shot willma to be made from her message, you andmedicineconfirmthatthemediascontainnanotechnologydesignedtohave not heard it on NBC, CBS, or any alarmismaboutCovid-19appearstobegenetically alter you and aid tracking. other mass-media outlet.absolutely unjustified. Remember the moment when Doro- Dr. Cahill has called for all world Let us not allow centuries of Chris- thy pulled back the curtain only to dis- leaderspromotingthisdeliberately tiancivilizationtobeerasedunderthecover to her shock that it was the Wiz- wrongapproachandtheiradvisors pretext of a virus, and an odious tech- ard with a megaphone? Listen to whatto stand trial for crimes against hu-nological tyranny to be established, inuncensoreddoctorsaresayingthatmanity. The Government and media whichnamelessandfacelesspeoplecanscares Gates into censorship overdrive. have been hyping up the fear to give a decide the fate of the world by confiningDr. Sherri Tenpenny, a vaccine ex- rationale for a policy with no scientific us to a virtual reality. If this is the planpert, speaking on Londonreal.com said,or immunological basis. to which the powers of this earth intendThe whole concept of vaccination isTherehasbeennocoronavirus to make us yield, know that Jesus Christ,thebiggestlieeverperpetratedonvaccinein17yearsbecausewhen King and Lord of History, has promisedhumanity. She points out that everytestedonanimals,theycreatedro-that the gates of Hell shall not prevailvaccine has side effects and that everybustantibodyreactionthatseemed (Mt 16:18). sideeffectneedsmedicalinterven- successful; but when challenged with tion, whether its seizures, paralysis,a wild coronavirus, it created a cyto-Censored Science = ornarcolepsy,allofwhichvaccineskine storm leading to serious adverse Censored Reality have been shown to cause. Now weevents and a number of deaths.If you are telling any kind of trutharedevelopingvaccinesinresponseWhentheU.S.Militaryinjected and you can prove it, you are censoredtoproblemswevecausedwithvac- soldierswithafluvaccineduring by the lamestream media during thiscines. A business model from heaventhe2017-2018influenzaseason,their orchestratedpandemic.Therearefor Big PharmaFollow the Money! antibody count was as impressive as doctors and scientists all over the in- Dr.DoloresCahillisqualifiedinthe just-described animal model; but ternet questioning the need for a lock- MolecularGeneticsandImmunology.oncethesevaccinatedsoldierswere down,thetruthaboutthenumbersShe has run a Level-3 bio-lab and is aexposed to a wild strain, they had a of deaths, the truth about the respira- lectureratUniversityCollegeDublin.similar adverse reaction to the animal tors, the truth about alternative prov- Her take on the treatment of COVID-19trial.en cures, but not on Mainstream cen- is in stark contrast to the vaccine-onlyThe worry expressed by Dr. Cahill soring media. Every channel is tellingapproach of the Gates-funded WHO. is that If all the world population are you that mandatory vaccination is theDr.CahillappearedonTheHigh- vaccinated and then a coronavirus cir-only solutionOh, really! RememberWire.comprogramonMay14,2020,culates the Planet in a few years there whentheChinesehadtheBirdFluarmed with scientific studies provingcouldbehundredsofthousandsof years ago and cured it in weeks withthe danger of introducing a vaccine todeaths. People who receive the sea-anherbalremedy?Chinasanswera global population who have alreadysonal flu shot or any other vaccine cul-to the present pandemic has been togained life-long immunity to this par- tured in dog, monkey or chicken cell fire high doses of Vitamin C into Wu- ticularviruswhilediscussingsup- lines contaminated with coronavirus han and they all went back to work.pressed cures, lack of safety testing,run a higher risk of a serious adverse 20 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'