b'WhenYou Rehearsea Pandemic .Its Called a PLANDEMICThe Viral Film About a VirusBY DIRECTOR KELLYGALLAGHERO nMay4th,2020,aspartofadocumentaryseries called Plandemic, Mikki Willis released an interview with renowned virologist and former NIH/NCI Re-searcher, Dr. Judy Mikovits. The mainstream media and the shills of Big Pharma immediately did their best to smear, discredit, and debunk Dr. Mikovits and Mikki. Oddly, not one debunker dared to mention anything about patents, conflicts of interest, slush funds, the pandemic rehearsals called Event 201, the sponsors of such events, or the glaring corruption among those governing the health and well-being of all people. Instead, the spin doctors used their magic to divert the Worlds attention only to elements that would trigger emotions and further divide the masses with non-stop fear, masks, and confusion.H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 9'