b'reactiontoCOVID-19.Thatcouldex-plainthelargenumberofdeathsinTo Do ListWuhan and Northern Italy where theRefuse any COVID-19 vaccine.population had received flu shots prior to the outbreak.There is a cheap and effective solu-tion to the COVID-19 threat that the gov-ernment and its advisors are well aware of but of which they failed to inform the public. Vitamins D and C, alongTake Vitamins D and C, and with zinc, if given at the beginning ofzinc.flu season would reduce the symptoms enormously. Follow this with one tab-let of Hydroxychloroquine, which has been used as treatment for malaria for 60 years and the treatment for arthritis for 20 years, taken in conjunction with zinc and Azidothymidine (AZT) leads to a quick recovery. This cure is beingIf symptoms occur, takeused on doctors and nurses in the NHShydroxychloroquine.in Britain, so why not the rest of usFollow the Money! Masks and QuarantineRussell Blaylock, M.D. made it clear that by wearing a mask, exhaled vi-ruses already in your body will not be able to escape and will concentrate inDo your own researchthe nasal passages, enter the olfactoryand turn off your TV, itsDr. Robert Bob C. Beck, D.Sc.nerves, and travel into the brain. Thisspreading coronavirus. Truly a man ahead of his time, Bob Beck is only one of the many dire warningsrecognized that the health challenges given by Dr. Blaylock, a neurosurgeon,many people face can be addressed on the numerous dangers of wearingeffortlessly and painlessly through some a mask that will not protect you fromvery basic technology. COVID-19butwillcauseoxygende- The Beck Protocol consists ofpletion in the blood as well as otherfour parts which work together, hazards. helping the body to heal itself:Quarantiningforthisrespiratory virus makes absolutely no sense either,In ConclusionMicropulsing, also known as blood as we dont do it for other more infec- We are in this self-imposed prisonelectrification or blood cleansingtiousanddeadlyrespiratoryvirusesfromyearsofblindlyfollowingtheusing microcurrentsthat have been circulating around therules,listeningtofakemainstream Pulsed Electro-magnetic Fields Earth for decades. news and bought civil servants leading(PEMF)Masksoffernoprotectionandus into an Orwellian fear-based system there is NO REASON FOR SOCIALof absolute control. Government agen-Ionic Colloidal SilverDISTANCINGexceptwherepeoplecies we believed were working on our Ozonated Waterhaveunderlyinghealthconditions.behalf have failed us. If we dont take Sweden never locked down and did itourlivesbackandSayNoinevery without mandatory masks, so why areway possible, future generations will we being forced to wear them? Followlive in oppression with little hope of the Money! health or liberty ever again.H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 21'