b'Board Member IntrospectiveGREG KUNINBY SCOTT C. TIPS AND KATHERINE A. CARROLLI fa16th-centurypopularrelationship among food, heavy nursery rhyme is to be be- metal, and illness. Greg entered lieved, then babies born onhis destiny early in life and has a Sunday, the Sabbath Day,been committed to sharing this areparticularlyfavored.Bon- life-changingknowledgeall nie and blithe, as they said backthese years later.then.Now,wemightsaythatGreg himself tells it best, As Sunday-born babies will be ami- a child I learned firsthand how able, bright, creative, and bold. Ifimportant diet and supplemen-anyones life supports such qual- tation can be in order to be happy ities,NHFBoardofGovernorsand healthy. From a young age I member and Vice President Greghadsufferedfromheadaches, Kunin would be that man. Bornandconsequentlyhadatough on a humid and hot Sunday inGreg Kunin time in school. Fortunately, my SanFrancisco,California,Gregwith his father, father and hero Richard Kunin, is the epitome of creativity, andDr. Richard Kunin M.D.,hadstartedhislifelong bold action and thought.work in nutrition-oriented medi-was tough for a rambunctious pre-teencine. Through testing, he discov-An Early Convert to GoodlikeGreg.Hisdietwasestablishedered that I had sensitivities to sugarNutrition throughtitration,thatis,Dr.Kun- especially soft drinksand that I had Butitwasntalwaysthatway.Inin removed all carbohydrates on Daylead poisoning. My father prescribed 1970, at a young age, Greg faced someOne and then added them slowly backvitaminsandchangestomydiet. serious,debilitatinghealthissues.in, day by day, for seven to ten daysSoon, the headaches disappeared and His nervous system seemed to be outandobservedGregsreaction.Withmylifedramaticallyimproved!This ofcontrol.Hewasthewild-child,proper record keeping, the right bal- experience taught me the true health loud, unfocused, and even had a dif- ance point can be determined wherebenefits of correct diet, proper vitamin ficulttimereading.Makingmattersthepersonwillfeeltheirbest,andsupplementation;andIdevelopeda worse, he suffered from terrible head- that is what happened to Greg. He wasdesiretosharemyfathersground-aches. All of these conditions severelyfeeling and behaving better on healthybreaking knowledge with the rest of impacted Gregs early schooling. Hisfats and proteins instead of all of thethe World.father,Dr.RichardKunin,anutri- carbohydrateshehadbeenconsum-tion-orientedmedicaldoctor,diag- ing.ThankstohisfathersresearchThanks to His FathernosedGregsconditionasindicativeand time spent teaching him how toHow can one not have his own fa-of lead poisoning and food sensitiv- eat better, Gregs deteriorating healthther as a hero when he is such a pio-ities, especially to excess refined car- and ill-behavior were solved naturallyneer? In 1967, Dr. Kunin was a leader bohydrates. Testing confirmed the di- without drugs. inthepsychiatricprofessionwhen agnosis. Greg continued to improve and byhe started testing patients nutrition-Fortunately,Dr.Kuninwasthethe time he was eleven years old, heal status and documenting that they right doctor for the job. Having start- fullyfollowedtheprogramandex- weremalnourished,inmanycases edthefirstKetodietaryprograminperiencedfirst-handtheimpactthatbadlymalnourished.Thesepatients the 1950s, he immediately placed hisproper nutrition can have. He under- were not crazy, they just needed bet-son on a strict dietary program, whichstood in a very personal way the directter nutrition and targeted nutritional H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 23'