b'could play an important role in the sever-ity of COVID-19 infections. They stated that the evidence supporting a protec-tive effect of vitamin D against severe COVID-19 disease is very suggestive, a substantial proportion of the population in the Northern Hemisphere will currently be vitamin D deficient, and supplements, for example, 1000 international units (25 micrograms) per day are very safe. Seafood for a Healthy GutSchwalfenberg G, Genuis S, Vitamin DScientists from Norway and Denmark Pandemic Safety Rule #3: Getsupplementation in a nursing home popu- showed that feeding people a seafood-rich Plenty of Sunshine lation, Molecular Nutrition and Fooddiet for a month stimulated growth of During lockdown scenarios, manyResearch, 2010; 54(8): 1072-1076; Grant W,more beneficial microorganisms and people are spending more time thanLahore H, McDonnell S, et al., Evidence thatfewer harmful ones in their gut microbi-omes than when the same people were fed usual indoors. It is well known thatVitamin D Supplementation Could Reducea diet without seafood. The researchers there is a seasonal drop in Vitamin D, orRisk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infectionsrecruited 20 people and broke them into 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), levels,and Deaths, Nutrients, 2020; 12(4), 988, attwo groups. Half were given lunches and especially in northern latitudes. Levels ofhttps://doi.org/10.3390/nu12040988; Rhodes J,dinners that featured cod, pollock, and 25(OH)D are quite low in nursing-homeSubramanian S, Laird E, Kenny R, Editorial:scallops. The other half stuck to a diet residents, and supplementation with 2,000low population mortality from COVID-19 inwith mainly chicken, turkey, lean beef, IUs of Vitamin D can safely bring levelscountries south of latitude 35 degrees Northpork, eggs, and milk products. After a to normal in most patients. Researcherssupports vitamin D as a factor determiningmonth, both groups took a three-week at Trinity College in Dublin suggested inseverity, Alimentary Pharmacology &break and then switched to the other diet. an editorial in Alimentary PharmacologyTherapeutics, 2020; 51(12): 1434-1437,When they were on the seafood diet, the & Therapeutics that Vitamin-D deficiencyhttps://doi.org/10.1111/apt.15777. participants showed an increase in helpful probiotic bacteria and a decrease in levels of the harmful types. Other studies have shown that eating omega-3 fatty acids can Grapes and Sunshine? sweet.According to Zion Market Research,increase the abundance of lactobacillus The Environmental Working Groupchildren under the age of 15 eat about halfin your microbiome and can increase (EWG) reports that Department of Agri- of the raisins consumed in the U.S., aroundlevels of another helpful bacterium culture data reveal that raisins show high208 million pounds of raisins each year.called Bifidobacterium. Bifidobacteria are levels of contamination from pesticideimportant not only for digestion but also residues. Of 670 raisin samples analyzed, 99EWG Science Team, EWGs 2020 Shoppers Guidefor controlling the population of harmful percent tested positive for at least two pes- to Pesticides in Produce, EWG, March 25, 2020, atbacteria. Omega-3 fatty acids are also ticides. The average sample was contam- https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary.php; ZMRanti-inflammatory, which is important for inated with more than 13 pesticides. Thestaff, Raisins Market: by Product Type (Naturalgut health by making the intestinal walls USDA tested both conventional and organ- Seedless, Golden Seedless, Black Currant and othersless permeable.ic raisins. Pesticides were not detected as(Sultana and Muscat), by Application (Food Indus-frequently on organic raisins, but in sometry, Food Service Providers and Households) and bySchmedes M, Brejnrod A, Aadland E, et al., cases there were no differences betweenGeography: Global Industry Perspective, Compre- The Effect of Lean-Seafood and Non-Seafood hensive Analysis, and Forecast, 20182026, ZionDiets on Fecal Metabolites and Gut Microbi-organic and conventional. Imidacloprid, aMarket Research, October 18, 2019, at https://www. ome: Results from a Randomized Crossover bee-killing and neurotoxic nicotinoid pesti- zionmarketresearch.com/report/raisins-marketIntervention Study, Molecular Nutrition & cide, was detected on 84 percent of raisins.Food Research, 2019; 63(1):e1700976, doi: Bifenthrin, a pesticide associated with can- 10.1002/mnfr.201700976; Bomba A, Nemcov cer and damage to the developing nervousR, Gancarckov S, et al., The influence of system, was found in 77 percent of raisinomega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 samples. It is classified by the Environmen- pufa) on lactobacilli adhesion to the intesti-tal Protection Agency as a possible humannal mucosa and on immunity in gnotobiotic carcinogen. Since even organic raisins arepiglets, Berliner und Mnchener tierrz-not pesticide free78 percent of organictliche Wochenschrift, 01 July 2003; 116(7-raisins were contaminated with bifenthrin8):312-6; Watson H, Mitra S, Croden F, et al.,the EWG recommends that consumersA randomised trial of the effect of omega-3 choose uncontaminated fresh producepolyunsaturated fatty acid supplements on the instead of raisins of any variety. Many par- human intestinal microbiota, Gut, 2018, Vol. ents give their children raisins as a healthy67, Issue 11:1974-1983.H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 29'