b'Intherangebetweenradioandmicrowave pulsations of electromag- Health issues arising from wireless gamma waves, there are microwaves,netic energy were increased exponen- radiation then came under the author-millimeter waves, our visual spectrumtially with intimate exposure throughity of the FCC, not the Centers for Dis-waves, and X-rays. X-rays are the sizecellphonesandcellularantennasateaseControlandPrevention(CDC), of an atom and easily pass through thelevelsneverpreviouslyexperienced.whichhadalreadyfoundcellphone body. But long or persistent exposureStudies now confirm the effects fromradiationtobeharmfultohealth, toX-rayshasbeenproventocausethese new pulsations of EMR produc- northeFoodandDrug Administra-health problems such as cancer. ing neurological, cardiac, respiratory,tion (FDA), the National Institutes of Microwavesareconsideredsafedermatological,andophthalmologicHealth (NIH), or the U.S. Department unless their pulsations are increased.harm. of Health and Human Services (HHS). When that occurs, the electromagneticAscellphoneusageandexposuresHealth concerns and studies were energy in the hydrogen atom found intocellphoneantennascontinuetoin- placedsolelyinthehandsofengi-water is rotated back and forth so vi- crease, our cell walls start leaking essen- neerswhosegoalsweretovalidate olently that it heats up. The inventorstial minerals such as calcium, magne- wirelesssafetywhiledoctors,biolo-had to figure out how to manipulatesium, and potassium. Biological studiesgists, and other appropriate scientists the rate of pulsations of the microwaveof 4G provide clear evidence of cancer,were completely removed. Presently, in order to produce and manufacturedefinitive links to neurological and cog- over 23,450 studies of biological harm microwaveovens,whichwhencon- nitive harm, heart abnormalities, repro- fromwirelessradiationhavebeen suming foods cooked by microwavesductive harm, microwave sickness, psy- published worldwide.is not, of course, safe. chological harm, and suicide. Therevolvingdoorbetweenthe Radar,anotherhumaninvention,CellularTelecommunicationsand alsoreliesonpulsationsandusesGovernments Role in Society InternetAssociation(CTIA)andthe microwaves.ExposuretoradarhasContemporary French philosopherFCC is why they so emphatically state: produced some serious health issuesMichel Foucault stated that the role ofStay out of the way of technological according to the U.S. Naval Medicalgovernment is to protect society. Gov- developments.TheFCCissimply Research Center (NMRC), which evenernment is not fulfilling its role to pro- not doing its job to protect the health back in 1971 had 2,300 research arti- tect us and has instead become an armofthenation,securesafestandards cles listing over 120 impairments andof the wireless industry. and prevent future problems.illnesses arising from exposure to ra- TheOfficeofTechnologyAssess- Thewirelesstelecommunication dar waves.ment (OTA) was an office of the Unitedindustry is the wealthiest industry in States Congress from 1972 to 1995.Itthe World. Their political power lies The Human Body and EMR wasdefundedinDecemberof1995.in controlling governments from City Weareelectricalbeings.HowdoTheOTAprovidedCongressionalBoards of Supervisors and State legis-we know that we are alive? An elec- members and committees with objec- latures up to and including the Feder-troencephalogram (EEG) measures thetive and authoritative analysis of theal Executive and Legislative branches voltage and records the electrical ac- complex scientific and technical issuesof government, and even on to such tivity of our brain, and when that lastof the late 20th century, i.e., technologyinternationalorganizationsasthe spark of electricity is zero, we are pro- assessment. The move was criticized atWHO. nounced dead. We measure our healththe time, that with the OTAs defund- Everyopportunityissoughtto byusingpH(potentialHydrogen).ing we are cutting off one of the mostpromote their goals, using mass me-Hydrogen is the electrical molecule ofimportant arms of Congress when wedia,crises,competition,anddeftly life and health. A pH meter measurescut off unbiased knowledge about sci- shiftingfromthesupposeddan-the hydrogen-ion activity in millivolts,ence and technology. gersofnotkeepingupwithChina reaching an optimal level of 7.88 pHFivemonthslaterCongressgavein the 5G competition to now using of cellular voltage (50 millivolts), en- the Federal Communications Commis- COVID-19astheindispensableex-abling healthy processes in our body.sion (FCC) vast powers to regulate andcuse and reason for our use of 5G for Each cell contains a fragment of elec- de-regulate all digital markets when itmass vaccination. The spokesman for trical and magnetic connectivity. passed the Telecommunications Act ofCTIA made it clear that 5G would en-Withtheadventofwirelesscom- 1996. The FCC then essentially re-wroteable the authorities to track everyone munication, a new rate of pulsationsthe regulatory landscape for wirelessand tell who has or has not been vac-of the microwave took place. Harmlessand wireline communications. cinated against COVID-19.H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 15'