b'Board of Governors in 2015. After havingyour vitamins enjoyable and convenient. makes for more medical errors too.helped serve and even save the FederationGreg is also adamant about loving whatGregcontinues,Doctorsmusthave during many a battle, Dr. Kunin recentlyhe does. I cant imagine not doing whatfreedom to practice real medicine. Its ac-resigned his position on the Board, leavingI am doing. I could make a lot of moneytuallyOrwellianwherethepatientgets his son, Greg Kunin, to carry on the familywearingasuitandtieandworkingforwell and the doctor is persecuted for hav-tradition of fighting for health freedom. Goldman Sachs. But to have someone say,ing been successful. Orthomolecular phy-thank you for saving my life, well, thatssicians have literally risked their lives to Aloha to Ola Loa it! Greg sees miracles happening to peo- do what they need for their patients. Many As Greg got older his fathers work inple through the use of Ola Loa just as hishave lost sight of this. Yet, this is how sci-bloodcoagulationandmethylationalsofather did in his medical practice. ence really evolves: by experimentation. If had a major impact on him. Once again hesociety becomes too prosecutorial, then so-began to suffer from toxicity issues, thisThoughts for the Present ciety as a whole is going to lose. time in high school when exposed to pes- and the Future Peoplemustrealizethattheyarein ticide-laden dormitories and golf courses,Greg has been an active NHF Boardjeopardy. Access to true health and medi-whilehewasatRobertLouisStevensonmember for five years now, and is cur- cine is not guaranteed. In fact, very pow-High School in Pebble Beach, California,rently NHF Vice-President, a position heerful forces exist that do not want you to surrounded by golf courses that were con- has held for several years. He is passion- haveaccesstosuchhealthandinstead tinuallysprayedwithchemicals.Duetoate about helping people be healthier. Butwant you under the control of their dis-inherited genes, Gregs own homocysteineto do that, he knows all too well from aease-caremedicalestablishment.These levels tend to run high; and combined withlifetimeofexperiencethatpatientsandforces have many people lobbying on their the toxic overload he was receiving, he suf- customers need to have healthcare prac- side to make supplements disappear alto-fered seizures. His fathers work on reduc- titioners and health-food stores and com- gether.Ourmedicalestablishmentsare ing blood levels of homocysteine levels ledpanies that will provide the services andvery threatened by supplements and true to a solution for Greg as well as a possiblegoods that they need. healers, and they dont want you to see or businessmodelforhelpingpeoplewithWe are going through a major crisis,use their competition. They want control their methylation issues. Gregsaid,whereMom-and-Popstores it all comes down to money and power. Ultimately,theseexperiencesledtoarebarelyhangingon.TheyaremostlyOpposing that is a very important organi-the creation in 1999 of a company calledgone. These were the very advanced peo- zation protecting and overseeing you as a OlaLoa(LongLifeinHawaiian)withple. In the 1980s, you knew when talkingwatchdog. The National Health Federation products uniquely designed by the Kun- to staff at health-food stores that they wereis that organization for you and your voice instosupportmethylationfromstarttonutritionallyliterateandhadsubstan-to get the message out there; educating finish. As Greg explained, We originallytial knowledge. Yet, the number of storesnot only individuals but also representa-designed a line of capsules that would re- closed in the last five years is horrifying.tives. They need to know there is a huge quire taking a handful of pills. On one fate- Natural supermarkets dont exist anymore;mass of people behind NHF. Someone has ful day I looked over at my then 2-year-oldand of those that remain, no one seems toto be the Watchdog and NHF is it.son Blake, and the light bulb came onIknow anything much at these stores.AndGreg has stepped into his fathers es-had found the solution! I realized there hadmany vitamin companies are now ownedteemed shoes to carry on the fight through to be a better way for people to get theirbydrugcompanies,exceptfortunatelyhis work with the Federation. He travels nutrients, and we decided to develop a nu- for old stalwart, family-owned companiesextensivelywithhislovelyandknowl-trient-richdrinkthatwasalsodelicious.such as NOW and Barleans. We are livingedgeablewifeNenacommittedtohis Ultimately, the formula and taste had to bethrough scary times that have just becomedestinyofeducatingandprovidingreal good enough for my son. even scarier with the COVID-19 pandemicanswers and real healing outside the con-Westartedwithtwosimplegoals:recentlyprovidingmanyStateswiththefines of a medical office. Dr. Kunins origi-First,toofferscientificallyadvancedfor- flimsyexcusetoshutdownhealth-foodnal mission and vision have expanded and mulas based on the most current clinicalstores as non-essential! been preserved through the fine work of research and studies; and Second, to makeAnd with doctors and modern med- his son, both in healing and in fighting to taking your vitamins easy and pleasurable.icalpractice,Gregisjustasadamant,protect health freedom. It is going to take a I think Ola Loa offers the most comprehen- The institutional type of physicians arelot more than the usual opposition to bring sive and strategic nutritional support avail- common and the old family doctors arethese two fighting heroes down! The NHF able in a powdered drink form and drink- gone, you know, the ones who knew youcounts itself fortunate to have them as an ing one packet daily actually makes takingup and down, in and out. Its tragic andintegral part of its organization.H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 25'