b'Health at the End of a NeedleThose who would give up essential Liberty, to purchasea little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)BY WALTER GRAHAMI she awakens and findsover more and more freedoms in thethroughdigitalsurveillance.Check feel like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz whennameofsecurityusingaPR-createdout these patents to get a better idea herselfinawholenewworldvillain.where this guy is heading the World: to the one she fell asleep in. TheAftereachsupposedpandemic,itTheTRACEcongressionalbillH.R. speed of the changes that Dorothy ex- turned out that this was another drive6666 periencedfromacyclonehavebeenby Big Pharma to push untested vac- https://www.congress.gov/bill/ matched by the speed at which societycines that made them rich while hid- 116th-congress/house-bill/6666/texthasfounditselfimmersedinagov- ing behind industry-driven legislationBill Gates patent for invasive body-ernment-induced reality from which itthatabsolvesthemfromprosecutionmetric technology No. 666 may never recover.over the millions of deaths and injurieshttps://patents.google.com/patent/Theserocket-speedchangeshavecaused over the years in our increas- WO2020060606A1/encreatedasocietyonthebrinkofaningly over-medicated society. https://www.wakingtimes.com/ emotionalmeltdown.Withthefever2020/05/15/bill-gates-explains-that-pitch of our pandemic-induced hyste- Gates of Hell the-covid-vaccine-will-use-exper-ria, we hurry to surrender our freedomLike Dorothy, we all woke up to findimental-technology-and-permanent-for protection from a virus, one of thethat a medical coup had taken place byly-alter-your-dna/countless many we have evolved withan unaccountable technocratic overlord since the dawn of Man, without having Bill Gates. I dont know who died andThisistheworldthatagroupof honest facts on the numbers affected,made him king, but why is he sudden- Cardinals, Bishops, and Pastors of the the accuracy of the tests used, the risksly telling the world what to do? Did weCatholic Church and other Signatories from masks, the damage of social iso- have an election that I missed? Why areto their Appeal of the 7th of May 2020 lation upon the elderly, the effects onelected officials listening to a rich, un- are warning us is coming if we fail to domestic violence, the impacts on chil- accountable, self-appointed, non-medi- act.Whatfollowsareexcerptsfrom dren living in fear of touch, or the nota- cal individual on a health issue? theirlonger,morecarefullyworded ble increase of suicides caused by massUnderthistyrantsleadershiptheletter to be found in full at: unemployment and social isolation. situationisheadingtowardmicro- https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/If all the hype and fearmongeringchipping,bodymetrictechnology,index.php/articles/item/4881-worse-by government seems vaguely famil- forced 5G and mandatory vaccinationsthan-death-a-pandemic-warning-iar, that is because we have been fear- all without our approvalis this thefrom-cardinals-sarah-mueller-zen-mongered to on many occasions. Re- world that you want for yourself andabp-viganomember the Swine flu pandemic thatyour loved ones?never arrived or the threatened SARsBill Gates intends to vaccinate theThe facts have shown that, under the virus, or Ebola, or the Bird-flu? EachglobalpopulationagainstCOVID-19,pretext of the COVID-19 epidemic, the in-was used to panic the herd into givingand then track and monitor each onealienable rights of citizens have in many H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 19'