b'Wecanbeadaptable,nimble,and navigatesomuchchangeforonlyso NHF WORLD REPORT long. We come to the end of ourselves, our wit, our street smarts, savvy, inge-BY KATHERINE A. CARROLL, NTP nuity,andfinanceseventually.May-NHF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR be our body fails us, maybe our mind, maybe our life savings are depleted. It just takes one more thing added to the already monumental weight we carry to LIFES BOTTOM LINE:break us. When that time comes, Lifes WHOM DO questionhadbestbefullysecured. Whilewaxingphilosophicalinhis Penses (1657-58), the renowned math-YOU TRUST? ematician Blaise Pascal gave a practical argument for belief in God. In answer to Lifes great question, Pascal posits one has everything to gain and nothing to For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, lose by putting faith and trust in God. but against principalities, against powers, against theWhen the vise grip tightens, when we are distilled to our essence through rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hostsa multitude of personal daily trials com-of wickedness in the heavenly places.pounding onto global trials, are we atE phEsians6:12 peace? Are we resilient? Is our spiritual T hereisnowaytodothePCis the foundation of health. us tobyfortitude evident or is stress eating us alive? Are we holding to our mission, waltz around this topic: Do youCastadriftbyself-sufficiency,forging ahead despite the battles surg-possessfaiththatleadstosur- spiritual leaders failures, political lead- ing around us, or are we incapacitated? renderedtrustinGodordontyou?ers deceptions, sacrificingDeepMystical teacher Rumi penned precious Trust that knows all will be well andStatesdemands,withacceleratingwords of wisdom when he said, World you can remain unmoved in completeglobaltensionanddomesticturmoil,power means nothing. Only the unsay-peacedespitecircumstancesandtheearthquakes,floods,andfires,waterable jeweled inner life matters.palpable despair that envelop the Worldand food shortages, soil destruction, airCOVID-19, on top of the crushing now? Enduring peace and hope despiteso polluted we are sickened to breatheproblems and challenges already in COVID-19,biologicalwarfare,5Gandit, many feel alone navigating the fogmotion,hasrevealedtomanytheir mandatory vaccination concerns, home- of war that is this New World. But weimbalances and disintegration in vi-lessness,increasingfearanddespera- can create our own New World: Glob- talways:primarily,inacknowledg-tion,growinguncertainty,lockdownal 2.0 version, the way we have alwaysingthatweareaSpirit-body-mind isolation, loss of connection with lovedknownitcouldbeandshouldbe.complex and that each integral part ones and Nature, the Greater Depres- Nothing is impossible if you believe. ofourtriunebeingneedsnurture, sion,risingdespairandsuiciderates,But doing the best one can do justcare,andfeedingtoliveinhealth, alcoholanddrugabuse,andfearfortosurvive,Lifesbottom-lineques- fullyintegratedwithhealth,peace, our childrens lives on multiple levels ortion remains unanswered by far tooand power now.any other external problem? Many aremany: Whom do you trust? Your- Thecurrentglobaluncertaintyis in crisis not because of the virus butself?Thegovernment?Yourdoctor?teaching us valuable lessons on many because of a loss of spiritual mooring,YourCreator?Untilthisquestionislevels, penetrating the heart to find it ei-notrecognizingtheirtriunenatureanswered, our resilience and fortitudether flourishing or withered. Even Vik-and honoring each part . Spiritualtoweatherattacksandsnowballingtor Frankls famous quote from his 1946 dis-ease is far more profound in itsuncertainties mean it is up to our ownbook Mans Search for Meaning, writing implicationsthanmereCOVID-19.cleverness to carry on without any su- of his time as a WWII prisoner in a Nazi With stress causing inflammation as thepernatural intervention at allor letsconcentrationcampenduringunfath-root of disease, handling stress properlysay the right kind.omable trials, comes up short in the final 30 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'