b'WASHINGTON WATCHDOG H.R. 6666 StatusThe TRACE Actor the COVID-19 by Alex LandryNHF Political Watchdog Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Ev-eryone Actwas introduced on May 1, 2020 in Congress by Congressman and former Black Panther Bobby Lee Rush (D-IL). The Act authorizes Alex Azar, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), to implement NEW HEALTH-FREEDOM ISSUEScontact tracing and testing programs astheSecretarydeemsfit.Thebill AND TOPICS IN SUMMER 2020 would also allow the Centers for Dis-easeControlandPrevention(CDC), Who could have ever imagined how the year 2020 would unfold acting on behalf of the HHS Secretary, globally and for the United States of America? NHF members, heresto trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals and support the what you need to know is happening in Washington and abroad!quarantine of said contacts. If passed, it would cost U.S. taxpayers $100 billion Funding Real Health Organizations Like the NHF?for the fiscal year 2020 alone. We are Timelinekeeping a close eye on this at https://The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a Publicwww.congress.gov/bill/116th-con-Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020.gress/house-bill/6666/actions.On February 5th, President Trump was acquitted in the Senate trial on both ar- Wethinkandhopethiswillnot ticles of impeachment he faced. The conclusion of the impeachment process termi- pass the House; but even if it does, it nated the threat of his removal from office. In fact, the outcome was never in doubtwill not pass the Senate or be signed intolawbythePresident.Still,itis as a two-thirds majority (or 67 senators) would have been required to remove him,an enormous threat to our health and which is strong evidence that this was a distraction and political theater from thehealth freedoms. Your input is vital to very beginning.let your Representative know that there The WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Onis solid opposition to this tyrannical April 14th, President Trump announced a formal freeze on WHO funding by thebill. Visit the NHF website to partici-United States, pending an investigation and WHO compliance with demanded re- pate in our H.R. 6666 and its sister bill forms, which the WHO failed to implement. So, on May 29th, in an unprecedentedH.R. 6800 Rally Congress campaigns move, the President boldly announced that the U.S. will terminate its relationshipathttps://national-health-federation.with the WHO. rallycongress.net/ctas/fight-h-r-6666-The very next day, NHF president Scott Tips published a news release support- contact-tracing-aka-government-ing the Presidents action terminating U.S. participation in the WHO and perma- surveillance-bill-fromandhttps://nently freezing almost a half of a billion dollars annually in funding. In the samenational-health-federation.rally-announcement the NHF disapproved of the American Medical Associations oppo- congress.net/ctas/write-your-sena-tors-now-to-oppose-3-6-trillion-h-r-sition to this termination. 6800-that-will-squash-your-health, Approximately 450 million dollars annually are expected to be redirected fromrespectively.Onceyousubmityour funding the WHO to other health organizations. That is $1,232,876.71 each day! Iftwo letters of opposition to these bills, just 1% of those funds were allocated to the NHF, that would be $4,500,000 each year!please share these links with your net-Imagine all of the health-freedom accomplishments this could facilitate! The NHF,works!Withyourhelp,equaljustice with its 65-year-old history, working in close consultation with the U.S. Departmentunder the law will prevail, but please of Health and Human Services (HHS), could potentially deploy optimal health stan- act on our campaigns.dards for all Americans and American businesses! Please let the Federal government hear why you think NHF can significantly change the health status of Americans with redirected WHO funds.Sources: https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/30-01-2020-statement-on-the-second-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency- committee-regarding-the-outbreak-of-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov)H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020 11'