b'cThings You Need to KnowBefore You Decide to Vaccinate Against COVID-19T he public is clamoring for a vaccine before comingG. Acknowledgment that the vaccine you are about out of lockdown and quarantine. Many new vac- to receive has been rushed to market and has not cines are under development and will reportedlyundergone customary testing.receive hasty licensure from the Food and Drug Administration.By law, any medical intervention requiresH. Acknowledgement that all of the side effects the subjects informed consent. posed by this (or any) new vaccine will not be Informed consent is legally defined by Title 21 of theknown until months or years after the vaccine is Code of Federal Regulations for any medical treatment of- licensed and approved for use by the Food and fered to you and includes: Drug Administration.Acknowledgement that 1.An opportunity to opt out of vaccination (refuse the vaccine you receive may be recalled at a later vaccination) without penalties or recrimination. date.2.Alternatives to vaccination, if any. I.Assurance by the health practitioner who admin-isters the vaccine that, in his or her assessment 3.Privacy (confidentiality), so that vaccination orof you as an individual, the proposed benefits of lack thereof will not be used against you. the vaccine exceed its known side effects.4.Knowledge of known risks involved and anyProtect yourself and your loved ones.An 18-page model proposed benefits. consent/refusalformhasbeenwrittenbyinvestigative health journalist Bill Sardi and legally reviewed by the Na-Other provisions in a consent form should include: tional Health Federation (NHF) and is available for $12.95 (shipping included). The consent/refusal form is intended A. A copy of the consent form to take home. for vaccine candidates to take with them to their healthcare B.Name of vaccine manufacturer, type of vaccine,providers.Proceeds go towards the NHF legal defense fund. and lot number. Send your check or money order, payable to Knowledge of Health, Inc., 1502 Foothill Blvd., Suite 103, La Verne, Califor-C. The number of individuals needed to vaccinatenia 91750. Or order online at https://covid19consent.com/.to prevent a single COVID-19 infection, and the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one COVID-19-related death.D. Information on whether the vaccine was ap-proved in comparison to an inactive placebo or in comparison to an existing vaccine.E.An opportunity to refuse a waiver of liability in cases of malpractice.F.List of possible health factors that predispose you to a poor response to vaccination.34 H ealtHF reedomN ews /s ummer2020'